International Volunteer Day: In 2021, FEMSA had 61 thousand volunteers for social actions - FEMSA
Press Release

International Volunteer Day: In 2021, FEMSA had 61 thousand volunteers for social actions


  • The volunteers contributed with more than 152 thousand hours of work in more than a thousand actions.
  • At the end of the third quarter 59% of the actions were focused on community support, 24% on health and well-being, 13% on the environment and 4% on education.
  • At the end of the third quarter of 2021, there had been 17 thousand more volunteers than in 2020.

Mexico City, Mexico. December 6, 2021. – Within the framework of the International Volunteer Day, FEMSA announced the results of its efforts in terms of the active, supportive, and responsible participation of its collaborators.

During 2021, FEMSA reaffirmed its commitment to improve the quality of life and well-being of the communities where it operates through 61,867 internal and external volunteers throughout the country, which contributed 152,979 hours in 1,393 activities.

For several years, FEMSA and its Business Units have had a volunteer program, in which employees donate their time, talent and effort.

For example, FEMSA participated in the COVID vaccination campaigns between June and August, while Coca-Cola FEMSA focused its efforts on the collection and donation of food, and FEMSA Comercio donated food and supplies to various institutions. In the case of Solistica, volunteer activities were carried out in children’s organizations, and they also carried out road awareness actions.

“Through our volunteer program, at FEMSA and its Business Units we carry out actions and create programs focused on transforming and positively impacting the lives of our employees, their families and the communities where we operate. With this, we promote the quality of life and well-being of people”, said Maria Guadalupe Riquelme Morales, Director of Labor, Health and Social Development of FEMSA.

FEMSA’s volunteer program is consolidated year after year. At the end of the third quarter of 2020, it had more than 44 thousand volunteers, which represents an increase of 17 thousand volunteers for the third quarter of 2021. Of the 61 thousand 867 volunteers registered in 2021, 57 thousand 829 were interns and the rest, external.

By Business Unit, Coca-Cola FEMSA registered more than 99 thousand hours of work with 52,049 volunteers; FEMSA Comercio registered more than 28 thousand hours, with 9,019 thousand volunteers, and the rest of the hours and volunteers were the sum of the remaining FEMSA Business Units.

FEMSA’s Volunteer Program is part of the Social Development Model as a value proposition for our employees and their families, channeling their social vocation through a culture of participation and integrating different causes that may be of interest to them in harmony with the environment and community.



 FEMSA is a leading company that creates economic and social value through companies and institutions and seeks to be the best employer and neighbor of the communities where it has a presence. It participates in retail trade through FEMSA Comercio, which includes the Proximity Division and of which OXXO, a chain of small format stores, is a part of. It also has a Health Division that includes pharmacies and related activities as well as a Fuel Division that operates the service stations chain, OXXO Gas. In the beverage industry it operates Coca-Cola FEMSA, public bottler of Coca-Cola products; in the beer sector, as the second largest shareholder of HEINEKEN, one of the world’s leading beer companies with a presence in more than 70 countries. Additionally, through FEMSA’s Strategic Businesses Business Unit, it offers logistics services, point-of-sale refrigeration solutions and plastics solutions to FEMSA companies and external clients. FEMSA also participates in the cleaning products and consumables distribution industry in the United States. Through its Business Units, it employs approximately 320 thousand employees in 13 countries. FEMSA is a member of the Dow Jones Sustainability MILA Pacific Alliance Index, the FTSE4Good Emerging Index and the Mexican Stock Exchange Sustainable IPC, among other indexes that evaluate its performance in sustainability.

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Hanako Taniguchi
Press Relations at FEMSA
+52 (55) 5249-6820

Oscar F. MartĂ­nez
Press Relations at FEMSA
+52 (81) 8318-1863