What do we mean by Sustainability?
For FEMSA, Sustainability is generating the right social, environmental, and economic conditions to operate and continue growing in harmony with the environment and society. Our actions are aligned with our ethics and values, anchored to our Governance, focusing on where we can have the greatest impact on our sustainability strategy’s three strategic pillars: Our People, Our Planet, and Our Community.
The Sustainability Strategy is represented in a tree diagram made up of three strategic pillars: Our Community, Our Planet, Our People, based on Our Ethics and Values, as well as Our Governance, including the actions in which they stem, in the form of leaves.
It lives and grows through its strategic pillars in which Our People and Our Planet are directly related to the activities of our operations, while Our Community pillar includes those actions that we carry out through strategic alliances with diverse institutions that are part of our business environment.
Each of the stratregic pillars simulate the branches of the tree, and the leaves represent the priority topics through which we focus our efforts.

Our Sustainability Vision
Throughout our history, we have contributed to the economic and social development of the regions we operate in, founding and developing companies and institutions that tangibly fulfill one of FEMSA’s core values: Create social value,
Our companies contribute to improving the quality of life of more than 300,000 families, optimize the use of the natural resources they consume, and positively transform communities through programs and initiatives that reach millions of beneficiaries.

At FEMSA, we understand that we have a unique opportunity to work to address the global issues we face that are considered a latent threat to the well-being of humanity.
In this sense, our vision is oriented towards finding viable and innovative solutions that contribute to transforming these threats into opportunities. Our vision incorporates understanding the challenges of the industries in which we participate and developing strategies that ensure the sustainability of FEMSA and its Business Units.
With the establishment of the Sustainability Policy and Strategy, at FEMSA we implement business practices that generate the conditions to operate today and grow in harmony with the environment, identify the priority issuestopics we can influence, and ensure the mitigation of the impact of the products and services we offer.

Who We Are
We are a group of companies with more than 130 years, evolving and shaping a continuous and enduring positive legacy in society.
Our leading businesses in retail, beverages and digital services move forward towards the future, driven by our winning spirit and commitment to excellence, with a deep focus on integrity and placing people at the heart of everything we do.

Our Belief
We believe that by generating economic and social value every day, we leave a positive footprint on the world.

Our Purpose
Our purpose is to enhance people’s lives, transforming the everyday into well-being and growth.
We contribute to people’s well-being, staying close and available, providing solutions and experiences that allow them to enjoy each day to the fullest.
We foster growth, since our actions contribute to the social and economic development of the communities we take part in, our collaborators, and our company, sustaining our commitment to planet care.

Our Vision
With our companies together, we aspire to be part of everyone‘s life at every opportunity, wherever we are, being the best in each of our businesses.

Our Strategy
FEMSA Forward: A focused leader in Retail and Beverages, leveraged and connected by a Digital customer-centric ecosystem to maximize value creation. Always guided by our strategic priorities.

Our Principles
Our 7 principles are our guide of behaviors and actions, allowing us to grow and adapt to the changes in the world while keeping our essence.

Living our values
We act with integrity, transparency, humbleness and accountability, being ambassadors of our culture.

Playing to win
We act like a founder, we choose to win, creating opportunities with a focus on generating long-term value.

Moving forward together
We collaborate effectively with diverse people and audiences, achieving results that exceed expectations.

Placing our customer at the center
We turn the daily needs of our customers and consumers into challenges that motivate us to deliver exceptional solutions that build trust.

Innovating with passion
We develop cutting-edge ideas to strengthen our present through digital solutions that anticipate the future in an agile way.

Empowering our people
We are committed to the well-being and professional development of our talent, strengthening their abilities to face challenges successfully and inspiring by example.

Fostering a sustainable impact
We are committed to create inclusive and sustainable solutions that generate a positive social impact in our communities and our planet, keeping a global perspective in our decision-making process.
Cuauhtémoc Ideology
FEMSA is governed by a set of principles and personal precepts legated by Don Eugenio Garza Sada, who based his philosophy of life on a transcendental quote:
“Respect for human dignity is above and beyond any economic consideration.”
His ideas were embodied in 17 principles that represent the essence of the values that today are a cornerstone of FEMSA’s culture and that constitute the Cuauhtémoc Ideology.
For further information of the Cuauhtémoc Ideology 17 principles, please download the available document by clicking on the button.

Available documents
For FEMSA, acting ethically in all areas is a moral commitment, as well as an essential element of trust for the sustainable development of the business. We strive to adhere to the highest standards of business ethics and corporate governance at all levels. On a personal level, our vision is that the people who work in our companies are people of integrity in their behavior and treat everyone with respect and dignity.
Code of Ethics
Since 2000, in line with the Cuauhtémoc Ideology established in 1970, FEMSA’s Code of Ethics defines the principles that frame and guide our daily activities and sets the basic criteria that govern the ethical behavior of our operations and their collaborators. It also establishes and defines FEMSA’s commitments to the environment, human rights, compliance with the regulatory framework, anti-corruption, anti-money laundering, conflict of interest, and relations with third parties, to name a few.
To download a copy of our Code of Ethics, please click on the button.

Ethics Compliance System
To ensure and monitor compliance with our Code of Ethics, we have an ethics compliance system which allows any group or employee to report any violation or suspected violation of our Code and its principles.
This system includes a toll-free telephone line, an Internet portal available in several languages and an e-mail address. The communication channels are anonymous and coordinated by an independent company, in order to avoid conflicts of interest and ensure confidentiality in the handling of information.
This system is supervised by the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors.
Contact channels of the ethical compliance system
FEMSA is paving the way for the future we want through leadership and the use of good corporate governance practices. As part of our vision, we integrate Sustainability from the Board of Directors.
We understand that robust governance is vital to ensure the responsible management and operation of the business and to achieve long-term value generation by aligning and driving both economic and social performance, as well as ensuring accountability and building legitimacy with all our stakeholders.
and Support Committees
FEMSA's Board of Directors is responsible for determining the corporate strategy, defining and overseeing the implementation of its vision, the Company's values and the Sustainability Strategy.
We acknowledge that the individuals and structures that execute governance have a strong influence on the quality of oversight and decisions made for the creation of economic and social value.
FEMSA's Board of Directors oversees the updating of the Code of Ethics as well as the system to enforce its observance and compliance. As for the creation of social value, it determines the use of good corporate governance practices, identifies economic, environmental and social risks, determines mechanisms to encourage the achievement of corporate sustainability goals, oversees the welfare, dignified work and promotion of our people, as well as the development and welfare within the communities we operate in, and harmony with the environment, i.e., the sustainable use of natural resources.
Our Chairman of the Board provides the leadership for the Company to effectively carry out its Sustainability commitments. Moreover, it oversees and monitors issues related to the generation of social value, such as inclusion and diversity, climate change, water management, and human rights. In order to carry out this part of its work, it relies on the Sustainability Committee.
The Sustainability Committee was created in 2021 and is represented by executives from all of the Business Units, as well as executives from the corporate functional areas.
Their mission is to support the Board of Directors in integrating the Sustainability principles into the management process, promoting the industry's best practices in all of its activities, with a vision of the creation of long-term value.
They meet quarterly to guide, update and monitor the performance of the Sustainability Strategy, and are responsible for:
• Generating joint strategic agreements which consider operational implications, help to obtain buy-in and alignment with the Businesses.
• Providing focus, define aspiration and make relevant long-term strategic decisions.
• Embedding sustainability in the definition of business strategy and decision making.
• Promoting a balance between the creation of social vs. economic value, seeking priorities with funding capability.
• Challenging the status quo by forcing us to go beyond and bring a diverse, ambitious and visionary perspective.
• Driving sustainability priorities in the operation by ensuring that they are considered and implemented in the business plans.
• Driving the operation's sustainability priorities by ensuring that they are considered and implemented in the business plans.
The management team is in charge of growing the business by creating economic and social value for stakeholders. Our executives have vast professional experience in the industries related to our businesses. Through the establishment of corporate goals and the supervision of compliance with the strategic objectives set, the management team is a fundamental part of the planning and implementation of our Sustainability Strategy.
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FEMSA's Sustainability Team, chaired by the Director of Strategic Businesses, who reports directly to the CEO, oversees the integration of Sustainability into FEMSA's Business Units through policies and processes, and monitors the Company's Sustainability performance and goals.
This team is responsible for formulating, developing, implementing, monitoring and reporting the Sustainability policy.
This team is made up of experts in the various matters that make up Sustainability, and one of its main functions is to share the best practices of the industries in which we participate, to the different teams of the Business Units and corporate functional areas. At the same time, it prepares the Sustainability Committee meetings where information related to the Sustainability Strategy is reported and discussed. Provides follow-up on the fulfillment of corporate goals.
Sustainability Team
This functional network is responsible for the link with internal and external stakeholders. It internally contributes to identify and prioritize the focus issues of its operations, risks and opportunities and collaborates with the corporate areas to incorporate the sustainability agenda in their programs and activities. They are externally in charge of liaising with the communities and getting to know their expectations in terms of sustainability, in addition to publicizing support programs and donations.
View moreTime Line
FEMSA begins with the founding of the Cuauhtémoc Ice and Beer factory.
The Cuauhtémoc Polytechnic School is founded.
The Sociedad Cooperativa de Ahorros e Inversiones para los Empleados y Operarios de la Cervecería Cuauhtémoc, S.A., today SCYF, is incorporated.
Together with other businessmen, Mr. Eugenio Garza Sada created the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, ITESM.
The SCYF sports park is inaugurated.
The Cuauhtémoc and Famosa Clinic is Inaugurated.
Cuauhtémoc neighborhood in Monterrey is inaugurated.
The OXXO Ecology Award is created.
Our Code of Ethics is issued.
Our first Sustainability Report is issued.
We adhere to the UN Global Compact.
The FEMSA Foundation is instituted.
The Sustainability Department is created.
We were included in the BMV Green Index.
FEMSA Launches Guiding Principles for FEMSA Suppliers.
Launch of FEMSA's Sustainability Strategy.
The corporate Renewable Energy goal is established: 85% of Mexico's electricity consumption comes from renewable sources.
Development of FEMSA's Anti-Corruption Policy.
FEMSA joins the Dow Jones Sustainability MILA Pacific Alliance Index.
OXXO celebrates 40 years of satisfying customer needs and generating economic and social value.
The corporate Circular Economy goal is established: Zero operating waste to landfill by 2030.
Coca-Cola FEMSA issues its Green Bond, the first of its kind in the Coca-Cola system and the largest one for a company in Latin America.
FEMSA issues the first Bond linked to Sustainability, the largest issued by a company in Latin America.
Corporate goals are updated:
• Renewable Energy 85% renewable energy use in all of our operations by 2030.
• Circular Economy Zero operating waste to landfill by 2030.