A concert with a cause: Grupo Pesado, CEMEX, Tecnologico de Monterrey and FEMSA Foundation unite to support vulnerable families in the polygon Campana-Altamira - FEMSA Skip to content
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A concert with a cause: Grupo Pesado, CEMEX, Tecnologico de Monterrey and FEMSA Foundation unite to support vulnerable families in the polygon Campana-Altamira


  • The musical group Pesado will collaborate with the Solidarity Net Campana-Altamira to collect funds destined to give food support to vulnerable families, with more than 1,500 pantry packages.
  • The allies released a calling to society to join efforts through donations by transfer.
  • The suggestion is for people to give donations equivalent to the cost of a package (MXN 250.00).

Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. May 11th, 2020.– During a virtual concert, the musical group Pesado announced its collaboration with the Solidary Net Campana-Altamira, integrated by CEMEX, FEMSA Foundation, Tecnologico de Monterrey and the Citizen Integration Center (CIC), collaborating with neighbors organized in communitary comittees, civil society associations and education institutions to support the most vulnerable population and mitigate the crisis caused by COVID-19 in areas such Cerro de la Campana, Valle del Mirador and Canteras Monterrey.

Pesado announced during their virtual concert for Mother’s Day that they will join efforts with the Solidarity Net Campana-Altamira to support more than a thousand families affected by COVID-19. The goal is to collect funds, complementing previous efforts to give pantry packages to extremely vulnerable inhabitants, including elderly adults and persons with chronic diseases or disability, in the areas Cerro de la Campana, Altamira, Laderas del Mirador, Heriberto Jara, Burocratas Municipales, Valle del Mirador and Canteras Monterrey.

An invitation to the public to join efforts by donating through transfer according to their possibilities was extended. The cost of a pantry package is of MXN 250 and will be given to the neediest communities by civil associations and communitary committees that collaborate with the Solidarity Net. For those who can, the invitation is to donate the equivalent to the price of a pantry package (MXN 250.00) through the platform Inixiar, in the following link: https://www.inixar.com/proyectos/red-solidaria

“The contingency throguh which we are living has brought many challenges that have gravely affected the people who already lived in vulnerable conditions. The best way to break through as a society is working together, collaborating among companies, academia, government and an organized civil society: we can all continue building our communities together,” said in a joint Martha Herrera, Director of CEMEX’s Responsible Business; Lorena Guille-Laris, Director of FEMSA Foundation and Tania Arrambide, Manager of Strategic Nodes at Tecnologico de Monterrey.

Each donation will contribute to benefit 8 thousand people that live in the polygon Campana-Altamira and whose sustenace has been seriously affected with 1,500 packages, given that 3 out of 4 workers do not have a contract or benefits. To date, the Solidarity Net has given support to more than 700 families, but there is still much to be done.

The Citizen Integration Center (CIC) made its contact information available to view this initiative through:

  • E-mail: apoya@cic.mx
  • WhatsApp: 81 2200 2828
  • Twitter: @cicmty
  • Facebook and Instagram: @cicmonterrey
  • Phone: 83 780 000

The initiative Campana-Altamira and its allies, CEMEX, FEMSA Foundation and Tecnologico de Monterrey, integrate the Solidarity Net Campana-Altamira. Their goal is to give support to extremely vulnerable populations in the polygon, working with the community organized in committees, civil society associations and educational institutions.


FEMSA is a leading company that generates economic and social value through enterprises and institutions and aims to be the best employer and neighbor of the communities where it is present. It participates in retail trade through FEMSA Comercio, which englobes the Proximity Division, a chain of small stores of which OXXO is a part; a Health Division which includes pharmacies and related activities; and a Fuel Division that operates the OXXO GAS chain of service stations. In the beverage industry it operates Coca-Cola FEMSA, a public bottler of Coca-Cola products; and in the brewer sector it is a stockholder of Heineken, a Company present in more than 70 countries. Additionally, through Strategic Businesses FEMSA, it offers logistics services, refrigeration at selling points and plastic solutions to FEMSA companies and external clients. Through its Business Units it employs approximately 300 thousand collaborators in 13 countries. FEMSA is a member of the Dow Jones Sustainability MILA Pacific Alliance Index, the FTSE4Good Emerging Index and the Sustainable Prices and Quotation Index of the Mexican Stock Market, among other indexes that evaluate its performance in sustainability.

About FEMSA Foundation

Since eleven years ago, FEMSA Foundation generates positive impact in people and communities through social investment projects for sustainability. We seek to ensure water safety and the sustainable use of water in Latin America and we take action to help early childhood development. We have also incorporated the diffusion of Latin American art and culture through the Cultural Program FEMSA. For further information visit the website www.fundacionfemsa.org or follow us on Facebook (FundacionFEMSA) and Twitter (@FundacionFEMSA).

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Hanako Taniguchi
Press Relations at FEMSA
+52 (55) 5249-6820

Oscar F. MartĂ­nez
Press Relations at FEMSA
+52 (81) 8318-1863