OXXO supports Hermosillos children with social programs - FEMSA Skip to content
Press Release

OXXO supports Hermosillos children with social programs

Hermosillo, Sonora, January 9, 2015.- As part of its commitment to generate financial and social value in the communities where OXXO is present, in Hermosillo, Sonora the company implemented its social programs focused on three action axis: health, education, and sports.

It was possible to carry out this programs thanks to the group of Volunteers OXXO “What Can I Do?” which, in the city of Hermosillo, has more than 80 employees. These volunteers offered their free time, their enthusiasm, and their solidarity to contribute to the generation of a better community. During 2014, OXXO was able to benefit more than 12,200 children and over 4 thousand families of the community.

“We are very proud of the Volunteer group we have been able to form, which is formed by our employees and their relatives, as well as members of the society in general. Thanks to this great team, we are able to carry out actions that benefit the citizens of Hermosillo. I would like to reiterate our gratitude for their time and effort,” said Carlos Ballesteros Santeliz, OXXOs Human Resources Manager.

Together for Hermosillo

In collaboration with the citizens, institutions, civil associations, the media and local authorities, OXXO was able to implement diverse programs to benefit this citys children. Among the programs that stand out, are:

• Children Soccer Cup Tournament: 300 elementary school students participated, and the competition was coordinated by the newspaper El Imparcial.

• Saturday for your Community: it is a program that focuses on reforesting the park at Montecarlo neighborhood and restoring its sports facilities, where nearly 3500 families come for recreational purposes.

• Support for the 5Km Race “Colegio Muñoz”: where more than 900 students had the chance to participate along their parents and teachers in an activity that promotes the culture of sports.

• Holy Week Camp 2014: organized along with DIF Hermosillo and its Support Center for the Creation of Values, we aided more than 1,242 children in diverse recreational activities.

• Celebration of A Happy Day: as part of the Childrens Day event, employees of OXXO went to Movimiento RAS’s shelter, which provides attention for children afflicted with cancer, deliver toys and celebrate their day.

• International Environmental Day: During this day, OXXO volunteers participated in workshops and conferences related to this topic, which were directed to students and teachers of 50 junior highs and high schools.

• Big School Backpack: we delivered 100 packages of school supplies to all the students of the Multiple Attention Center School, which serves students with disabilities.

• The traditional OXXO Ecology Award: more than 3000 students from 32 schools participated in this environmental education program; the students – through the work they put into their ecology clubs – strengthened values, skills, knowledge, and habits that generate a greater appreciation of environmental issues.

• Christmas at the Commons and Adopt a Child:  through the donation of food, clothes, and toys, these programs seek to bring the joy of Christmas to families that, for several circumstances, are in a vulnerable situation.

• OXXO Cares for You: we installed a mobile clinic to perform cancer prevention tests for women.

• PRO Round Up: thanks to the donations of OXXOs clients we were able to collect MX$3237,799. The total amount was delivered to 4 local charities, Caritas Hermosillo I.A.P., Casa Hogar María Goretti I.A.P., Centro de Apoyo Comunitario I.A.P., and Damas del Chantal A.C.



About FEMSA Comercio

FEMSA Comercio has operated OXXO, the largest chain store in Mexico and Latin America, for the past 30 years. OXXO has 12,200 stores located throughout Mexico and Colombia.

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