OXXO, OXXO GAS and FEMSA Foundation Donate 2.2 Million Pesos to Rehabilitate Public Schools in NL to the ‘Adopt a School’ initiative - FEMSA Skip to content
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OXXO, OXXO GAS and FEMSA Foundation Donate 2.2 Million Pesos to Rehabilitate Public Schools in NL to the ‘Adopt a School’ initiative


  • The initiative’s goal is to rehabilitate public campuses for the return of face-to-face classes.
  • ‘Adopt a School’ was born from a private initiative by Monterrey businessmen and promoted by the governor-elect, Samuel García.

Monterrey, Nuevo León, México. September 29, 2021. – OXXO, OXXO GAS and FEMSA Foundation will donate 2.2 million pesos to the ‘Adopt a School’ initiative, which rehabilitates public schools in Nuevo León for the return of face-to-face classes. The Monterrey Rayados Soccer Club also joined the initiative, through the donation of supplies and the help of volunteers.

The ‘Adopt a School’ program, launched in May of this year, was born from private initiative and is promoted by the governor-elect of Nuevo León, Samuel García. It focuses on collecting contributions from businessmen and civil society so that the schools of the state are in decent conditions when returning to face-to-face classes. This entails that they have the necessary services of drinking water, drainage, electrical service and maintenance, windows, fumigation, sinks, paint and doors.

FEMSA will invest 2.2 million pesos to rehabilitate 20 schools through OXXO, OXXO GAS and FEMSA Foundation’s collaboration with Comunidar. They will also support with volunteering and the donation of supplies. Monterrey’s Soccer Club will also join in the rehabilitation of schools with volunteers and donation of paint.

The volunteer event held at the National Anthem School was attended by Duilio Davino, Sports President of the Club, Vincent Janssen and Luis Cárdenas, players of Rayados First Team, as well as Desirée Monsiváis and Nicole Pérez from the Rayados Womens Team, which showed up to support the rehabilitation of the school in the Municipality of Guadalupe.

The collaborative work for volunteers will begin on September 29. Through OXXO, FEMSA has had a volunteer program since 2011, which has carried out social assistance actions, the rehabilitation of public spaces and actions on environmental care.

“It is a pleasure for us to join this noble cause. We are constantly looking to create alliances with different actors to generate shared value and promote the development of the communities where we operate. At FEMSA we have always believed that all children and adolescents should have access to a school in dignified conditions”, said Gerardo Figueroa, Director of OXXO Zona Monterrey-Saltillo.

Alejandra Montemayor, Head of Marketing at OXXO GAS added, “Over the years, at OXXO GAS we have created value through trust in our customers and in the communities where we operate. Our goal is to be a development booster not only for the company, but also for the places where we operate, leaving a positive footprint in the community. Today we join forces in supporting education in Nuevo León”.

Through this action, FEMSA Foundation reaffirms its commitment to ensure the integral promotion of Early Childhood, which has been one of its lines of work for several years.

“At FEMSA Foundation we are convinced that investing in Early Childhood means great benefits for everyone. In the current context, the alliance and collaborative work between schools and families, the adaptation of services dedicated to childhood and the guiding of mothers, fathers and teachers so that they can provide their children with loving and sensitive care are vital elements, especially while doing it in an environment that mitigates the effects of social isolation in response to the pandemic”, explained Lorena Guillé-Laris, Director of FEMSA Foundation.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, FEMSA Foundation has undertaken various strategies for distance educational support, and more recently it has promoted programs that will allow the return in person to schools, childcare and preschool centers, guaranteeing the safety and well-being of children, teachers and the entire educational community.

Pedro Esquivel, Executive Vice President of Club de Futbol Monterrey, pointed out that the team joins this initiative to fulfill its commitment to support education with dignity at all levels. “At Rayados we firmly believe that sport is one of the most effective tools for generating social change in the community,” he said.



 FEMSA is a leading company that creates economic and social value through companies and institutions and seeks to be the best employer and neighbor of the communities where it has a presence. It participates in retail trade through FEMSA Comercio, which includes the Proximity Division and of which OXXO, a chain of small format stores, is a part of. It also has a Health Division that includes pharmacies and related activities as well as a Fuel Division that operates the service stations chain, OXXO Gas. In the beverage industry it operates Coca-Cola FEMSA, public bottler of Coca-Cola products; in the beer sector, as the second largest shareholder of HEINEKEN, one of the world’s leading beer companies with a presence in more than 70 countries. Additionally, through FEMSA’s Strategic Businesses Business Unit, it offers logistics services, point-of-sale refrigeration solutions and plastics solutions to FEMSA companies and external clients. FEMSA also participates in the cleaning products and consumables distribution industry in the United States. Through its Business Units, it employs approximately 320 thousand employees in 13 countries. FEMSA is a member of the Dow Jones Sustainability MILA Pacific Alliance Index, the FTSE4Good Emerging Index and the Mexican Stock Exchange Sustainable IPC, among other indexes that evaluate its performance in sustainability.

About FEMSA Comercio

FEMSA Comercio is a company that generates economic and social value in the countries where it has a presence. It operates different retail chains of small-format stores in Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Peru and Ecuador, among which are the OXXO stores, YZA, Farmacon, Moderna, Cruz Verde, Fybeca and SanaSana pharmacies, and the Maicao beauty stores. It also operates service stations under the OXXO GAS brand. Through its business units, FEMSA Comercio employs more than 198,000 employees and serves more than 13 million consumers every day.

 About FEMSA Foundation

 In FEMSA Foundation our goal is to create positive impacts on people and communities through social investment projects for sustainability. We make a better future for all by working in three strategic areas: the promotion of efficient resource management for sustainable development, the promotion of the integral development of early childhood and the dissemination of Latin American art and culture. For more information, visit us at www.fundacionfemsa.org or follow us on Facebook (/ FundacionFEMSA) and Twitter (@FundacionFEMSA).

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Hanako Taniguchi
Press Relations at FEMSA
+52 (55) 5249-6820

Oscar F. Martínez
Press Relations at FEMSA
+52 (81) 8318-1863