OXXO delivered more than 2 million pesos to benefit the community of Monterrey - FEMSA
Press Release

OXXO delivered more than 2 million pesos to benefit the community of Monterrey

Monterrey, September 27th, 2017.- OXXO made the delivery of 2 million 235,377.98 pesos to four non-profit organizations that seek to provide social assistance and welfare to the community of Monterrey. The collected amount was achieved thanks to the OXXO customers who decided to round off their total account during the months of July and August of 2017.

The total contributions from Monterreyā€™s OXXO Customers Rounding Program carried out during this two-month period were allocated to support Zihuame Mochilla A.C., Patronato de Bomberos de Nuevo LeĆ³n A.C, Nuevo Amanecer A.B.P Institute, and Pro Bienestar de la Mujer A.C.

“The OXXO Customers Rounding Program is one of the efforts we make alongside our customers and employees to support societys institutions. This kind of initiatives help us to continue with our commitment to create economic and social value in the communities where we have a presenceā€, said Plaza OXXO Monterrey Sur Operations Manager, JosĆ© JoaquĆ­n Ɓvila Carbajal.

Luis Antonio RamĆ­rez, representative of Pro Bienestar de la Mujer A.C., thanked the contribution given by OXXO Customers Rounding Program: ā€œThanks to this campaignā€™s invaluable support, we will be able to continue with our mission. These resources will be used to enable and equip a training space for women in productive activities, such as self-employment workshops, which will serve to provide them with greater welfare and social and economic developmentā€.

Pro Bienestar de la Mujer A.C. (PROBIM in Spanish) is an organization that seeks to economically empower women by helping them create their own businesses. This has a direct contribution to gender equality, eradication of poverty and personal and social development.

In addition to PROBIM, other benefited associations were Zihuame Mochilla AC, dedicated to the encouragement of women and indigenous populationsā€™ development; Patronato de Bomberos de Nuevo LeĆ³n A.C., which consists of 14 stations and about 200 firefighters, and Nuevo Amanecer Institute ABP, which since 1978 has been in charge of helping and improving the quality of life of more than 28,000 young people and children with cerebral palsy.

OXXO Customers Rounding Program was born in 2002 with the purpose of being a solidary link between their customers and local institutions that work to serve people in conditions of vulnerability, as well as associations with ecological and social initiatives. During 2016, thanks to the contributions of our customers nationwide, OXXO managed to raise 98.3 million pesos, which benefited 230 civil associations in Mexico. This program currently operates throughout the entire Mexican Republic through OXXO, Mi SĆŗper Bara and FEMSA Comercio pharmacies.

Area Beneficiary institution Amount
Monterrey – Center Zihuame Mochilla A.C. 725936.47
Monterrey – North Patronato de Bomberos de Nuevo LeĆ³n A.C. 505214.36
Monterrey – East Instituto Nuevo Amanecer A.B.P. 455845.98
Monterrey – South Pro Bienestar de la Mujer 548381.18
Total 2235377.98

About FEMSA Comercio

FEMSA Comercio operates several retail chains of small format in Mexico, Chile and Colombia. Among them are the OXXO stores, the pharmacies YZA, Moderna, Farmacon and Cruz Verde, and Maicao beauty stores. It also operates gas stations under the OXXO GAS brand, as well as DoƱa Tota fast-food restaurants. Through its different formats, FEMSA Comercio serves more than 11.1 million consumers every day.


FEMSA is a leading company participating in the beverage industry with Coca-Cola FEMSA, the largest franchise bottler of Coca-Cola products in the world; and in the beer industry, through its ownership of the second largest equity stake of Heineken, one of the worlds leading brewers with operations in over 70 countries. FEMSA participates in the retail sector with FEMSA Comercio, which operates various small-format chain stores including OXXO; a Fuels Division operating the OXXO GAS service stations chain; and a Health Division that includes pharmacies and related operations. In addition, through FEMSA Strategic Businesses, the company offers logistic services, point-of-sales cooling solutions and plastic solutions for FEMSAā€™s companies and external customers.

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