Monterrey, Nuevo LeĂłn, June 30th, 2017.- Committed to creating social and economic value in the country, FEMSA and OXXO, along with the organization ConfĂo (which in Spanish stands for Building Transparent Civil Organizations) acknowledged 18 institutions and granted them with counseling on the application of the diagnostic model “Transparency and Good Practices”, in its 2016 edition.
Through this course, civil society associations learned tools for strengthening their processes based on the nine principles that shape the ConfĂo model and that, in turn, is based on standards that are recommended by the International Association of Charity Monitoring Organizations (ICFO).
These institutions work in favor of relevant causes to the community of Nuevo Leon and Coahuila, such as nutrition, health and education, as well as care for children, women and older adults in vulnerable conditions.
“We have witnessed a great number of efforts that individuals from both the private and altruistic sectors make to help reduce the problems we face, so it’s only fair for the Mexican society to learn about their existence and to know their actions and results so they can trust in them”, said ConfĂo President, Enrique Hernández.
“We seek to be a socially responsible company and we strive so that in every community in which we operate, we support organizations that work to improve society. This is why we have decided to bring them closer to a methodology that allows them to strengthen their processes and make them more reliable and transparent, so that they can become more formal institutions before donors, beneficiaries, volunteers and the public in general”, said the Head of Social Responsibility at FEMSA Comercio, Cordelia Portilla.
In addition, this initiative allows the organizations to become better candidates for OXXO’s Customer Rounding Program.
Thus, FEMSA reinforces its commitment to transparency and the generation of economic and social conditions in favor of non-profit organizations in Mexico that, according to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), make around 3% of the National Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
“Thanks to FEMSA, OXXO and ConfĂo’s support, we are improving on issues such as financial transparency, institutional community practices, monitoring of existing internal projects, greater bonding, accountability and access to information. Thank you for investing in the professionalization of Mexico’s civil society organizations”, said President of the Alliance of Mysteries of Mercy Association, Baudelio Bernal. This institution was born in Monterrey, Mexico and was certified in 2016.
A total of 18 organizations successfully concluded the program and were acknowledged during a ceremony held at TecnolĂłgico de Monterrey:
Alianza de Ministerios de Misericordia, A. C. | Asociación Regiomontana de Niños Autistas, A.B.P. |
Asilo de Ancianos Luis Elizondo, A.C. | Cáritas de Monterrey, A. B. P. |
Consejo CĂvico de Instituciones de Nuevo LeĂłn, A.C. | Casa SimĂłn de Betania, A.C. |
EFFETA, A.B.P. | Centro para el Desarrollo del Potencial Humano, A.C. |
Fomento Prevocacional Severiano MartĂnez, A.B.P. | Navidad en el Campo, A.C. |
Formando Emprendedores A.B.P (Impulsa) | Oasis de los Niños, A.C. |
Mujeres de Valor, A.B.P. | Patronato de la Casa de los Niños de Saltillo, A.C. |
Orquestas, Coros y Bandas Juveniles de Nuevo LeĂłn, A.B.P. | Pro SuperaciĂłn Familiar Neolonesa, A.C. (Supera) |
Unidas Contigo, A.C. | Boys Hope Girls Hope A.B.P |
To this day, 52 institutions from Mexico City and Monterrey have benefited thanks to the alliance between FEMSA, OXXO and ConfĂo, which was first made in 2015.
About FEMSA Comercio
FEMSA Comercio operates several retail chain stores in Mexico, Chile and Colombia, such as OXXO, YZA Pharmacies, Moderna, Farmacon, Cruz Verde Pharmacies and Maico beautty sores. It also operated gas stations under the brand OXXO Gas and the Doña Tota fast food restaurants. Through its different formats, FEMSA Comercio serves more than 11.1 million consumers every day.
FEMSA is a leading company that participates in the beverage industry through Coca-Cola FEMSA, the largest franchise bottler of Coca-Cola products in the world by volume; and in the beer industry, through its ownership of the second largest equity stake in Heineken, one of the worlds leading brewers with operations in over 70 countries. In the retail industry it participates through FEMSA Comercio, comprising a Retail Division operating various small-format store chains including OXXO, a Fuel Division, operating the OXXO GAS chain of retail service stations, and a Health Division, which includes drugstores and related operations. Additionally, through its Strategic Businesses unit, it provides logistics, point-of-sale refrigeration solutions and plastics solutions to FEMSAs business units and third-party clients.