FEMSA Comercio contributes to Circular Economy - FEMSA Skip to content
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FEMSA Comercio contributes to Circular Economy


  • FEMSA Comercio’s Business Units promote the use and exploitation of recycled materials, reduction of waste, integral management of residue and the sustainable disincorporation of equipment and furniture.
  • 40% of its main inputs (napkins, glasses, tickets, etc.) have a recycled origin.
  • In 2019 more than 844 tons of disincorporated equipment materials were recuperated.
  • The “Programa de Uniformes Sostenibles” (“Sustainable Uniforms Program”) was awarded by the CEMEFI, because in 2019, 19 thousand uniforms were recycled, the equivalent to 3 tons of recycled PET plastic.

Mexico City, Mexico. November 3rd, 2020. – As part of its Sustainability strategy and within the International day of Ecology, the business units of FEMSA Comercio continue working to contribute to the preservation of the environment. Through initiatives and operation models they promote the use of recycled materials, reduction of waste, integral management of residue, sustainable disincorporation of equipment and furniture, the disincorporation of uniforms, among others.

“One of our commitments in FEMSA Comercio’s business units is to be good neighbors and generate sustainable environments, which is why we collaborate with actions to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN’s 2030 Agenda. Under a focus of internal and external environmental culture as well as promoting processes and mechanisms to the incorporation of a circular economy in our business units, and in synergy with our suppliers and the community, we aim to achieve our goal of disposing no waste in sanitary landfills by 2030”, said Abraham Garza Alvarez, Environmental Manager at FEMSA Comercio.

FEMSA Comercio aims to reduce the amount of materials that operation utilizes in packing and packaging and in this way promote the use of non-contaminating materials aligned with applicable norms. With these considerations, the program Sin Bolsa Gracias (No Bag, Thank You) and the supply of reusable bags reduced by 35% the consumption of plastic bags in the OXXO stores in Mexico.

Additionally, 99% of cardboard, 56% of paper and 14% of plastic used for consumer input for operation comes from recycled materials, making 40% of main input come from a recycled origin (napkins, glasses, tickets, etc.).

Regarding the integral management of residue, the goal Zero Waste to Landfill is the aim for 2030, when the objective is that business units send no residues to landfills. Accordingly, developments have been made in the processes of waste separation for a better management, as well as the habilitation through infrastructure to ensure the disposal of different types of residues (organic and inorganic) that the working centers generate. By 2019, more than 95% of OXXO GAS stations and more than 44% of OXXO stores had the infrastructure to separate residues.

At the same time, there is a Protocol of Disincorporation of Equipment and Furniture, through which the assets that are not in use, damaged or subject to change are sent to suppliers of residue to be exploited responsibly and sustainably regarding the environment. Only in 2019, more than 844 tons of equipment and furniture materials of the operation recuperated were reassessed and were reincorporated in a production cycle and avoid them being obtained from elsewhere.

Additionally, among FEMSA Comercio’s practices developed to give use to recycled materials, there is the initiative of Sustainable Uniforms, a practice that has been supported since 2014 in OXXO with the objective of promoting circular economy, incorporating recycled PET in the manufacturing of cloth products. This initiative was awarded in the XXI edition of the Best Practices of Entrepreneurial Social Responsibility Awards of the CEMEFI. As a result, in 2019, more than 19 thousand uniforms were recycled, the equivalent to 6 tons of cloth, with which more than 3 tons of PET were recycled.

FEMSA Comercio is aware of the importance of generating environmental changes and promoting actions to create sustainable surroundings that benefit the environment.


FEMSA is an enterprise that generates economic and social value through companies and institutions and aims to be the best employer and neighbor of the communities where it is present. It participates in retail trade through FEMSA Comercio, which encompasses the Proximity Division of which OXXO, a small format chain of stores, is part; a Health division that includes pharmacies and related activities, and a Fuel Division that operates the chain of gas stations OXXO GAS. In the drinks industry it participates by operating Coca-Cola FEMSA, a Coca-Cola products public bottler; and in the beverage sector it is a stakeholder of HEINEKEN, a company that is present in more than 70 countries. Additionally, through FEMSA Strategic Business Units it employs approximately 300 thousand collaborators in 13 countries. FEMSA is a member of the Dow Jones MILA Pacific Alliance Sustainability Index, the FTSE4Good Emerging Index and the Sustainable IPC of the Mexican Stock Market, among other indexes that evaluate its performance regarding sustainability.

About FEMSA Comercio

FEMSA Comercio is a company that generates economic and social value in the countries where it is present. It operates different small retail chain stores in Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Peru and Ecuador, among which there are the OXXO stores, YZA pharmacies, Farmacon, Moderna, Cruz Verde, Fybeca and SanaSana, and Maicao beauty shops. It also operates service stations under the OXXO GAS brand. Through its business units, FEMSA Comercio employs more than 198 thousand collaborators and serves more than 13 million consumers every day.

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Hanako Taniguchi
Press Relations at FEMSA
+52 (55) 5249-6820

Oscar F. MartĂ­nez
Press Relations at FEMSA
+52 (81) 8318-1863