FEMSA Collection Receives Patronage Award in Spain - FEMSA
Press Release

FEMSA Collection Receives Patronage Award in Spain

Madrid, Spain, February 23, 2016.– On behalf of FEMSA and FEMSA Collection, Barbara Garza LagĂĽera received the Latin American Patronage Award in Madrid. In her capacity as Chair of the Development Committee of FEMSA Collection, Barbara Garza LagĂĽera won the award for her commitment and ethical and moral convictions to promote art in Latin America, thus inspiring more people with her example.

The Latin American Patronage Award is a social initiative promoted by the Spanish entrepreneur and philanthropist, Carmen Riviriego. The award honors two patrons, one Spanish and another Latin American, for their work and commitment in the dissemination and promotion of cultural activities.

The decision is made by a jury made up of important personalities of the culture and art world, such as Director of Museo del Prado, Miguel Zugaza, and Montblanc Price Mexico of Culture Arts Patronage, Patrick Charpenel.

“It is a great honor to receive the Latin American Patronage Award 2016, with which Wealth Advisory Services distinguishes me. This important recognition motivates us to reaffirm our commitment to support the artistic work, because we believe that culture is vital to the development and welfare of the communities”, said Garza Lagüera.

Meanwhile, Riviriego stated “With this new edition, the Latin American Patronage Awards consolidate their vision of serving a transversal and inclusive project between people, society, business and institutions, that maximizes this common effort to build a more fruitful coexistence among the different individuals and between them and the social structures in which they are integrated”.

FEMSA Collection was established in 1977 with the aim of promoting education through the dissemination of culture and the promotion of artistic appreciation. Over the past 15 years it has integrated pieces that illustrate the development of the visual arts in our continent, thus forming a collection of over 1,200 works by artists from 20 countries in Latin America, such as: Mexico, Argentina, Nicaragua, Panama, Cuba, among others.

Through its traveling exhibitions program, FEMSA Collection has been exhibited more than 100 times in various cities in Mexico, USA, Canada, Argentina, Colombia, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Spain and the Philippines. In all of them, its art works have been appreciated by more than 6 million people. FEMSA Collection has also made more than 100 educational activities parallel to the exhibitions, such as discussion panels, lectures, guided tours and various workshops.

Similarly, through is lending works program, it has collaborated on various projects with more than 150 institutions around the world. With the joint efforts of various specialists and its publishing program, FEMSA Collection has more than 120 publications in books and catalogs since 2000.


About FEMSA Collection

FEMSA Collection is regarded as one of the most important private collections in Latin America; it has over 1,200 works from diverse artistic expressions such as painting, sculpture, drawing, graphic, photography, and installation. It offers a tour of Latin America’s modern and contemporary art, with an emphasis on Mexican Art. FEMSA Collection was born in 1977 as part of the company’s commitment to the comprehensive development of its employees, their families, and the communities where they grow. The works in the Collection depict the evolution, plurality, and richness of Latin American art throughout the twentieth century. FEMSA shares its Collection with the most diverse communities in Mexico and the world through an active program of itinerant exhibitions, thus fulfilling its goal of promoting art appreciation while supplementing the company’s historical efforts to boost education in its different facets.


FEMSA is a leading company participating in the beverage industry with Coca-Cola FEMSA, the largest franchise bottler of Coca-Cola products in the world; and in the beer industry, through its ownership of the second largest equity stake in Heineken, one of the worlds leading brewers with operations in over 70 countries. FEMSA participates in the retail sector with FEMSA Comercio, which operates various small-format chain stores including OXXO. Through FEMSA Negocios Estratégicos, the company offers logistic services, point-of-sales cooling solutions, and plastic solutions for FEMSA’s companies and external customers.

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