FEMSA Collection Publishes Book on Latin American Modern and Contemporary Art - FEMSA Skip to content
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FEMSA Collection Publishes Book on Latin American Modern and Contemporary Art

Mexico City, 8 July 2015. – With a book aiming to document the works of over a hundred artists, FEMSA Collection presented the second edition of “Latin American. Modern and Contemporary Art, FEMSA Collection,” offering a tour of the Collection’s works that reflect the diverse facets of Latin American art.
The book includes works of artists such as Lygia Clark, Brazilian concept artist; Diego Rivera, one of the great Mexican muralists; Armando ReverĂłn, Venezuelan painter; and Ana Mendieta, multidisciplinary Cuban artist, among many others. The publication draws a descriptive line along 432 pages of the essence of Latin American art in diverse disciplines such as painting, drawing, photography, video, sculpture, and installation.

“We are glad to introduce the second edition of “Latin American. Modern and Contemporary Art, FEMSA Collection.” We believe this book is a tool that helps us advance in our mission of promoting Latin America’s culture and art throughout the world. We would like to thank the Tamayo Museum for opening its doors to us, allowing us to share this project with you,” said Rosa Maria Rodriguez, Manager of FEMSA’s Cultural Program.

The new and improved edition offers a prologue by writer and historian Enrique Krauze. In his words, Mr. Krauze shows how proud he is of Latin America, “images consistent with an America that, in contrast with the rest of the world and in spite of its numerous misfortunes, still dances and sings, and writes; it still prodigiously imagines and sculpts and paints, with an inexhaustible vitality.”

Rafael Tovar y de Teresa, President of the National Council for Culture and Arts (CONACULTA); Carlos Salazar Lomelín, CEO FEMSA; Genaro Borrego Estrada, Director Of Corporate Affairs at FEMSA; Barbara Garza Lagüera, President of FEMSA Collection’s Development Committee; and Rosa María Rodríguez Garza, Manager of FEMSA’s Cultural Program were present during the book’s presentation at Tamayo Museum’s Auditorium. Enrique Krauze, Mexican writer and historian, Agustín Arteaga, Director of the National Museum of Mexican Art (MUNAL,) and Sylvia Vega and Ricardo Salas, who oversaw the book’s editing and design, also were present at the event.

You may consult the biographies of the artists included in the book at: www.coleccionfemsa.com/latinoamericano. 

If you have any additional questions about this book, you may contact the staff of FEMSA’s Cultural Program at (81) 8328 6079 or by e-mail at coleccionfemsa@femsa.com.mx.


About FEMSA Collection

FEMSA Collection is regarded as one of the most important private collections in Latin America; it has over 1,200 works from diverse artistic expressions such as painting, sculpture, drawing, graphic, photography, and installation. It offers a tour of Latin America’s modern and contemporary art, with an emphasis on Mexican Art. FEMSA Collection was born in 1977 as part of the company’s commitment to the comprehensive development of its employees, their families, and the communities where they grow. The works in the Collection depict the evolution, plurality, and richness of Latin American Art throughout the twentieth century. FEMSA shares its Collection with the most diverse communities in Mexico and the world through an active program of itinerant exhibitions, thus fulfilling its goal of promoting art appreciation while supplementing the company’s historical efforts to boost education in its different facets.


FEMSA is a leading company that participates in the beverage industry with Coca-Cola FEMSA, the largest franchise bottler of Coca-Cola products in the world; and in the beer industry, through its ownership of the second largest equity stake in Heineken, one of the worlds leading brewers with operations in over 70 countries. FEMSA participates in the retail sector with FEMSA Comercio, which operates various small-format chain stores including OXXO, the largest and fastest growing in Latin America. These operations receive support from FEMSA’s Strategic Businesses Unit.

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