Colectivo Primera Infancia and SEP Offer Child Development Content to Mexican Households - FEMSA Skip to content
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Colectivo Primera Infancia and SEP Offer Child Development Content to Mexican Households


Thanks to this initiative in which the public and private sectors come together, every day 2 million parents and caregivers in Mexico will have access to essential information that will help them enhance the development of their children.

35 capsules of the film ‘The Beginning of Life’, promoted by Colectivo Primera Infancia (Early Childhood Collective), will reach more than 2 million Mexican families on television as part of Aprende en Casa (Learn at Home).

In order to support mothers, fathers and caregivers, in addition to promoting the importance of early childhood in Mexico, the Colectivo Primera Infancia (Early Childhood Collective), the Brazilian producer Maria Farinha Filmes, Flow Impact distributor and the Ministry of Public Education have formed an alliance to share 35 capsules of the film “The Beginning of Life” through Aprende en Casa (Learn at Home) in its Early Childhood Education program.

During the three cycles of Aprende en Casa (Learn at Home), the Ministry of Public Education has sought to accompany parents in the home education of their children of all ages. From Initial Education, they will learn topics ranging from loving and shared parenting to language and socio-emotional learning.

“This contribution is very relevant for Early Childhood Education, as it reinforces the scientific evidence that needs to be shared so that girls and boys have greater opportunities for their integral development,” said Irma Luna, National Head of the Early Childhood Education Expansion Program in the General Management of Curricular Development of SEP’s Undersecretary of Basic Education.

For Colectivo Primera Infancia (Early Childhood Collective), all alliances that provide tools and strengthen the knowledge of those who are in charge of children in early childhood are a priority. Colectivo Primera Infancia (Early Childhood Collective) is a group made up of six business foundations: CinĂ©polis Foundation, CMR Foundation, Compartamos Foundation, FEMSA Foundation, LEGO Foundation and Televisa Foundation; they work together so that all children in Mexico have a full comprehensive development by positioning early childhood as a priority issue for the country’s growth.
“One of our main goals is to bring useful and quality content to mothers, fathers and caregivers to highlight the importance of emotional ties and learning through play in the first years of their children’s life. To achieve it, it is necessary to create these alliances that make it possible for these tools to reach more people and benefit more Mexican children”, said Andrea Hernández representing the LEGO Foundation, which is a member of Colectivo Primera Infancia (Early Childhood Collective).

The Beginning of Life capsules will be broadcast within the Aprende en Casa (Learn at Home) Initial Education bar and the initiative’s YouTube channel.


About Maria Farinha Filmes

It is a Brazilian production company that seeks to shape the world from the power of entertainment. For more than 10 years, Maria Farinha has produced more than 25 films, series and content in various formats that have impacted millions of people around the world, seeking in turn to democratize access to this type of content that generates social change in the planet.

About Flow Impact

Flow is part of Alana, one of the largest non-governmental organizations in Latin America. With the experience of distributing Maria Farinha Filmes’ productions in Brazil and the world, they have developed collaboration strategies to increase the reach and impact of the most inspiring narratives, looking to achieve this in a democratic, accessible and global way.

About Aprende en Casa (Learn at Home)

Aprende en Casa (Learn at Home) is a program designed for basic education students to continue learning amidst this health contingency. Its goal is to share material and content that contributes to their education. With three content cycles, Aprende en Casa (Learn at Home) reaches more than 2 million Mexican households every day.

About Colectivo Primera Infancia (Early Childhood Collective)

Colectivo Primera Infancia (Early Childhood Collective) is a group made up of six business foundations: Cinépolis Foundation, CMR Foundation, Compartamos Foundation, FEMSA Foundation, LEGO Foundation and Televisa Foundation, which work together so that all boys and girls in Mexico have a full integral development, by position early childhood as a priority issue for the growth of the country.

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