2015 Global Green Business Summit - FEMSA

2015 Global Green Business Summit



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2015 Global Green Business Summit
  • Date:
    27 April 2015
  • Hour:
    8:00 hrs
  • Location:
    Tecnológico e Monterrey, Campus Ciudad de México
  • Address:
    Calle del Puente 222, Tlalpan, Ejidos de Huipulco, 14380 Ciudad de México, D.F. See on map
  • Contact:

The 2015 Global Green Business Summit is a business event aimed to present the enormous business opportunities and innovation representing the fight against climate change, preservation of natural capital and the efficient use of natural resources.

It consists of two forums: the business forum, in which Mexico s leading companies will show how their practices and corporate sustainability strategies are already part of their business models and source of innovation , growth and competitiveness.

In the forum of innovation and entrepreneurship, students will have the opportunity to meet successful cases of green entrepreneurship and interact with personalities that are world leaders in promoting a global agenda to detonate business from corporate sustainability and innovation.

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Press Release

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Press Release

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